OBBCO Safety & Supply System Announcement
We are excited to announce an updated OBBCO Store! This update will remove many duplicate products and make it easier to find and order the supplies you need.
In order to facilitate the update, we will need to have some system downtime. The OBBCO Online Store will be unavailable on March 6th and March 7th. We encourage you to get any anticipated orders in before that downtime. If you do need to place an order during that time, please call (757) 420-4000 to speak with any member of our customer service team or email your order to Orders@OBBCOSafetySupply.com.
We will be happy to enter the order manually and send you a confirmation.
Please Note, as a result of this update, some product SKUs will change, which may impact easy reordering of items. We will do our best to minimize any inconvenience during this downtime. If you have any challenges, please reach out to our customer service team at (757) 420-4000.
Thank you for your continued support, and for your patience as we work through this important update.